Hvordan kan Enemærke & Petersen skabe kundeoplevelser i deres byggefabrik?

Man har nu mulighed for at deltage i konkurencen om udformningen af  Enemærke & Petersens fabriksrum. E&P ønsker at åbne produktionshallen op for kunder og brugere ved at skabe et living showroom. Dette showroom skal inddrage publikum i produktionen og skræddersyes til at afholde arrangementer og møder. Se mere om konkurrencen her:

One Comment on “Konkurrence LIVING SHOWROOM”

  1. Web traffic is very important for the popularity of your website. Therefore, given that marketing is so to speak at the core of any business, if you want to sell well, you have to advertise well, and you can do this on the internet, given it is the best means to help you achieve your goals to this effect due to its massive exposure and incessant expansion. Search engines take time to consider your page quality and all the other aspects of your page when you update something.

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